An Introduction to
Anatomy in an Aerial Yoga Context
​Module Content:
Postural Types.
A Discussion on Spine Health.
An introduction to Standing Postural Assessments.

Back Hip Hang
​Module Content:
Back Hip Hang Asana
Wide Angle Pose
One-legged Pigeon Pose
Monkey God Pose
Supported Handstand Pose
High Goddess Pose
High Lord of War Pose
High Wide Angle Pose
High Locust Pose
High Bow Pose
Benefits for each pose.
Cautions for each pose.
Modifications for each pose.
Variations for each pose.
Verbal Cues.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each pose.
Correlating earth asana.
Sequencing tools.

Standing Hang
​Module Content:
Standing Hang Asana
Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose B
Upward Facing Plank Pose
Stag Locust Pose
Monkey God Pose
Mountain Pose w/ Ankle Lock
Locust Pose w/ Ankle Lock
Balanced Upward Facing Plank Pose
Balanced Staff Pose
Balanced Simple Pose
Benefits for each pose.
Cautions for each pose.
Modifications for each pose.
Variations for each pose.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each pose.
Verbal Cues.
Hands-on Assists for each pose.
Correlating earth asana.
Sequencing tools.

The Art & Science of
Teaching in an Aerial Context
​Module Content:​​​​
Anatomy in an Aerial Context revisited.
A summary of all L2 Aerial Asana.
Deepening your practice.
Ujjayi Breath
Teaching Methodology.
The Three C's
Teaching Themes
Hand's on Adjustments
Sequencing refined and sample lesson plans.
Preparing for video assessment submission.

Rib Hang
​Module Content:
Rib Hang Asana
Revolving Upward Facing Plank Pose
Plank Pose
Stag Plank Pose
Standing Tabletop Pose
Warrior III Pose
Benefits for each pose.
Cautions for each pose.
Modifications for each pose.
Variations for each pose.
Hands on Assists for each pose.
Verbal Cues.
Correlating earth asana.
Sequencing tools.

Ankle Hang
​Module Content:
Ankle Hang Asana
Monkey God Pose
Straight Angle Pose
Reverse Ankle Hang Asana
Lizard Pose
Extended Side Angle Pose
Standing Splits
Side Plank Pose
Benefits for each pose.
Cautions for each pose.
Modifications for each pose.
Variations for each pose.
Hands-on assists for each pose.
Verbal Cues.
Correlating earth asana.
Sequencing tools.​

Cocoon Hang
​Module Content:
Cocoon Hang Asana
Standing Figure 4 Pose
Boat Pose II
Extended Boat Pose
Floating Bound Angle Pose
Floating Paschi Pose
Inverted Mountain Pose
Inverted Stag Pose
Inverted Monkey God Pose
Inverted Staff Pose
Floating Plank Pose
Floating Stag Pose
Standing Splits Pose
Thunderbolt Pose
Open Toe-stand Pose
Floating Frog Pose
Lateral Knee-to-Chest Pose
Lateral Forward Fold Pose
Lateral Backbend Pose
Benefits for each pose.
Cautions for each pose.
Modifications for each pose.
Variations for each pose.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each pose.
Verbal Cues.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each pose.
Correlating earth asana.
Sequencing tools.​

Serpent Wrap
​Module Content:
Serpent Wrap Asana
Knees-to-Chest Pose
Wide Angle Pose
Staff Pose
Inverted Knees-to-Chest Pose
Inverted Wide Angle Pose
Inverted Mountain Pose
Benefits for each pose.
Cautions for each pose.
Modifications for each pose.
Variations for each pose.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each pose.
Verbal Cues.
Correlating earth asana.
Sequencing tools.

Prone Ankle Hang
​Module Content:
Prone Ankle Hang Asana
Dolphin Plank Pose
Pincha Tuck Pose
Pincha PikePose
Supported Feathered Peacock Pose
Plank Pose
Revolved Plank Pose
Handstand Tuck Pose
Handstand Pike Pose
Tiger Curl Pose
Supported Handstand Pose
Benefits for each pose.
Cautions for each pose.
Modifications for each pose.
Variations for each pose.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each pose.
Verbal Cues.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each pose.
Correlating earth asana.
Sequencing tools.​

Inverted Cocoon Hang
​Module Content:
Inverted Cocoon Hang Asana
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Staff Pose
Benefits for each pose.
Cautions for each pose.
Modifications for each pose.
Variations for each pose.
Spotting and hands-on assists
Verbal Cues.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each pose.
Correlating earth asana.
Sequencing tools.​