Aerial Fitness
Course Modules
An Introduction to
Anatomy in an Aerial Fitness Context
​Module Content:
Postural Types.
A Discussion on Spine Health.
An introduction to Standing Postural Assessments.
Wrist Lock
​Module Content:
Wrist Lock Exercises
Toes of Fire Mobility Flow
Warrior III Flow
Seated Warrior III Flow
Pistol Pull-ups
Bridge Pull-ups
Tabletop Single Leg Lifts
Tabletop Single Criss-cross
Tabletop Single Leg Donkey Kick
Tabletop Single Leg Lateral Lift
Prayer Plank
Benefits for each exercise.
Cautions for each exercise.
Modifications for each exercise.
Variations for each exercise.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each exercise.
Verbal Cues.
Sequencing tools.
Prone Ankle Hang
​Module Content:
Prone Ankle Hang Exercises
Dolphin Plank
Pincha Tuck
Pincha Oblique Twists
Pincha Pike
Supported Feathered Peacock
Dolphin Side Plank
Revolved Plank
Handstand Tuck
Handstand Pike
Oblique Twists
Tiger Curl Pose
Supported Handstand
Side Plank
Floating Side Plank
Benefits for each exercise.
Cautions for each exercise.
Modifications for each exercise.
Variations for each exercise.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each exercise.
Verbal Cues.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each exercise.
Sequencing tools.​
Cocoon Hang
​Module Content:
Inverted Cocoon Hang Asana
Boat Pose
Boat Pose II
Extended Boat Pose
Inverted Mountain Pose
Inverted Stag Pose
Floating Plank Pose
Floating Stag Pose
Lateral Knee-to-Chest Pose
Lateral Forward Fold Pose
Benefits for each exercise.
Cautions for each exercise.
Modifications for each exercise.
Variations for each exercise.
Spotting and hands-on assists
Verbal Cues.
Sequencing tools.​
Rib Hang
​Module Content:
Rib Hang Exercises
Single Leg Lifts
Single leg Circles
Single Leg Criss-cross
Forward Plank
Asymmetrical Forward Plank
Supported Tabletop Single Leg Lifts
Supported Tabletop Single Leg Criss-cross
Supported Tabletop Single Leg Donkey Kick
Supported Tabletop Single Leg Lateral Lift
Chair Pose Rises
Benefits for each exercise.
Cautions for each exercise.
Modifications for each exercise.
Variations for each exercise.
Hands on Assists for each exercise.
Verbal Cues.
Sequencing tools.
Back Hip Hang
​Module Content:
Back Hip Hang Asana
Straddle Slides
Inverted Curls
Inverted Sit-up
Supported Handstand Push-ups
Lateral Curls
Oblique Curls
Balanced Dish
Benefits for each exercise.
Cautions for each exercise.
Modifications for each exercise.
Variations for each exercise.
Verbal Cues.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each pose.
Sequencing tools.
Standing & Seated
​Module Content:
Standing Hang Exercises
Stag Plank
Pistol Squat
Bound Angle Arm Circles
Inverted Bound Angle Flow
Seated Hang Exercises​
Side Plank
Benefits for each exercise.
Cautions for each exercise.
Modifications for each exercise.
Variations for each exercise.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each exercise.
Verbal Cues.
Hands-on Assists for each exercise.
Sequencing tools.
The Art & Science of
Teaching in an Aerial Context
​Module Content:​​​​
Anatomy in an Aerial Context revisited.
A summary of all Aerial Fitness Exercises.
Teaching Methodology.​
Sequencing refined.
Serpent Wrap & Simple Grip
​Module Content:
Serpent Wrap Exercises
Demi Plié
Inverted Tuck
Inverted Straddle
Inverted Pike
Simple Grip​
Dead Hang Shoulder Shrugs​
Plank Pull-ups
Staff Single Leg Lifts
Straddle Single Leg Lifts
Benefits for each exercise.
Cautions for each exercise.
Modifications for each exercise.
Variations for each exercise.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each exercise.
Verbal Cues.
Sequencing tools.
Ankle Hang
​Module Content:
Supine Ankle Hang Exercises
Oblique Twist
Oblique Twist with Single Leg Circle
Single Leg Lifts
Single Leg Circles
Single Leg Toe Taps
Lateral Sweeps
Reverse Ankle Hang Exercises
Bent Leg Lunge
Hanuman Lunge
Benefits for each exercise.
Cautions for each exercise.
Modifications for each exercise.
Variations for each exercise.
Hands-on assists for each exercise.
Verbal Cues.
Sequencing tools.​
Front Hip Hang
​Module Content:
Front Hip Hang Exercises
Supported Plank
Three-legged Dog Flow
Floating Locust
Tuck to Locust Flow
Floating Locust Scissor Kicks
Floating Locust Flutter Kicks
Benefits for each exercise.
Cautions for each exercise.
Modifications for each exercise.
Variations for each exercise.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each exercise.
Verbal Cues.
Spotting and hands-on assists for each exercise.
Sequencing tools.​